What is a Blood test? How should it be done?

A blood test is done for a patient if a doctor advises it through consultation. Through blood tests, we can analyse whether our body is facing any defaults or if any organs hormones are playing their role with an imbalance in our body. So routine blood checkup is essential for all age groups. 

Why should periodic blood tests be taken?

If the doctor advises a patient to take a blood test periodically, they get borderline or unclear blood results during the checkup. So the patient must be more serious about their health screening and should follow a better lifestyle also. By keeping more alert through your health, you can focus your illness at the early stage of your lifespan and start your treatment by periodic checkups.

How should the time of blood tests be taken routinely?

The blood tests vary from age to take often. As per the guidelines of different clinical organisations and different health care providers, all age groups must take blood tests by the given time as follows:-

  • Ages 18 to 39 men and women must take atleast every 5 years

  • Ages 40 to 49; every 2 to 3 years

  • Ages 50 and older must take every 1 to 2 years

It would be better to take blood tests after the doctor examines you by consulting routinely. So that the doctor advises you what all kinds of blood tests should be taken for an individual before doing periodic blood checkups.

Which are the common blood tests should a patient take routinely?

For patients who undergo serious illness with any symptoms or long-term conditions, it would be better to seek advice from a general physician or concerned doctor and go for a regular blood checkup. After consulting the doctor, they will determine all other blood tests through a physical examination. The typical blood tests are usually taken routinely follows:-

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)

  • Basic Metabolic Panel

  • Thyroid panel

  • Nutrient tests: To know the value of vital nutrients like iron or B vitamins

  • Lipid panel

Some other tests may include

  • Enzyme markers: if you are at a risk of cancer or other severe conditions like cirrhosis, stroke, or celiac disease.

  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) tests: if you had undergone sex without any barrier method with a new partner.

Your doctor will decide whether you have to take severe other blood tests after physical examination.  

Generally, health screening is recommended for persons who undergo a minimum lipid profile test at the age of 20; they are considered low risk of heart disease and take routine blood tests every five years. 

People with a high risk of heart disease must take frequent lipid tests that may be necessary.  

Additionally, people who continuously have a blood pressure of more than 135/80 should take glucose blood tests. Most adults more than 50 older must check the faecal occult blood test to analyse whether colorectal cancer is facing or not annually.  

Even though some doctors suggest routine blood tests and along with it additional blood testing while they yearly seek advice from the doctor if they undergo other symptoms and it can be, for example, when the patient suffers from symptoms like:- 

  • You are facing any rare, tenacious symptoms: It could happen due to abnormal weight gain or fatigue with new pain.

  • You want to augment your health: Over getting analysed at this stage, the person can lead a pinch diet and maximise their healthy habits by knowing the rate of HDL or LDL cholesterol in blood components. 

  • You want to decrease your risk of disease and complications: By doing regular blood tests or checkups, you can start your earlier treatment by catching the warning signs of any disease. Many diseases like heart, lung, and kidney conditions can be known through frequent blood checkups. 

Who regularly orders blood tests, and why should we consult a doctor after blood analysis?

By consulting your health care provider, they decide what parameters should be analysed through blood tests and physical examination. 

The concerned health care provider examines most of the parameters done in the laboratory for blood tests. By this, the doctor reduces or increases the dosage of medicine you have to take. However, most health practitioners in most laboratories will not take the blood tests that the certified doctor does not prescribe, and most of the blood tests that are not common or standard blood tests may also cost expensive. 

So it is always better to seek advice from a certified doctor and move for detailed blood tests, either moving with self-analysis.  

Why fasting is essential while taking some blood tests?

You take blood tests to get the exact amount of various components in your blood, making the variables you eat stable or substantial is essential. For example, you eat different items that include proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Hence, if you have any food at the time of the blood test, the value of the components that you intake may spike or drop down simultaneously, and you won’t get any accurate results over through blood tests. 

It is so determined that the blood tests may take after fasting for about 8-12 hours, obviously while you wake up early in the morning with an empty stomach.

Some of the usual blood tests that require fasting can be:-

  • Blood-sugar tests

  • Cholesterol tests

  • Liver function tests

  • Kidney function tests

  • Basic metabolic panel

  • Glucose tests

What is the time duration held while getting the blood test results?

It depends on the blood tests you do during the checkup. Some tests take a few hours or after a day to get the result, while others rely on the lab where tests are placed. You can get results as soon as possible if you take tests from multi-specialised and more computerised laboratories.

The time duration of most common blood tests can be:-

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)- 24 hours

  • Basic metabolic panel- 24 hours

  • Complete metabolic panel- 24-72 hours

  • Lipid profile test- 24 hours

Each individual more often does blood tests to enhance their optimal health. It also understands a doctor whether your body responds to the medicines you intake and makes you start your treatment accordingly. 

Many people take regular blood tests atleast every year. So to take your blood tests, it is always better to consult your doctor and take his advice correctly and fix your time for a blood test periodically and, if so, take additional tests if required to stay healthy. 


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