Ayurvedic treatment for arthritis


Are you worried or facing severe pain or stiffness in your joints or muscle? Do you know why is it, it is because of arthritis! Arthritis is a common condition which is found most commonly  in aged people. Most people who undergo 50+.Arthritis is a condition that involves pain or stiffness in joints. It's also a condition where the symptoms tend to worsen over time. Arthritis  is the condition where inflammation or swelling is found in joints. Generally, arthritis is classified into 2 degenerative and infective. Both conditions usually are very difficult to handle.


Degeneration is happening due to the law of nature. If you will be able to keep a control over your lifestyle changes, then there would be a less relief from degenerative arthritis. One major factor that leads to degenerative arthritis is due to sedentary lifestyle and constant  trauma to the joints due to excess weight. Weight bearing joints like knee, hip and ankles get affected easily due to obesity and degenerate faster. Even though injury and improper handling of joints can lead to arthritis.


Infective arthritis is most commonly found in small joints and it is commonly known as rheumatoid arthritis. It is an  auto- immune condition and if not properly handled, it can lead to disfiguration of the joints.

Arthritis is of two types from which of 200 types studies have been classified into two and that is osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is found most commonly for all types of people who are generally obese and facing with lots of stress and anxiety. In this type it mainly affects the wear and tear of cartilages and gradually  to the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is said to be an auto-immune disorder. This means it attacks the immune system completely and gradually the joints. If it is not treated seriously, it can cause  inflammation and that leads to joint damage ultimately.

Can you plan a proper vitamin rich diet in your food to maintain fit your body and to be free out from arthritis. Let's plan a healthy diet how to make control of arthritis. 

Fatty fish :-  Fishes like sardines, mackerels, and salmon are essential in omega- 3 fatty acids and vitamin D,  both of which reduces the inflammation  and other severe symptoms of arthritis.

Garlic:-  Adding garlic to your diet can possess anti- inflammatory properties to your body and can reduce risk of osteoarthritis.

Ginger:- Studies have proven that consuming fresh, powdered, and dried ginger at times can reduce the aid of inflammation and other symptoms caused by arthritis.

Grapes and berries:- Grapes and berries are good fruits that contain certain compounds that inhibits and act as anti inflammatory due to it consists of certain antioxidants.

Spinach and broccoli:- Adding these leafy vegetables in your diet can decrease the risk of symptoms caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis due to its rich of antioxidants and vitamin supplements.

Fortunately in Ayurvedic treatment there are several remedies to get complete cure for arthritis. They can be  followed by :-

As in Ayurvedic treatment the most common causative factors are Ama and Vata. And so the remedies to cure arthritis in Ayurveda is a gradual process and requires depth treatment to digest Ama and reduce Vata.

This is a slow,steady and a gradual process and it involves a series of authentic Ayurvedic treatment.  A certain Ayurvedic treatment where we can help the patient suffering from arthritis can be as follows:-

Fasting:- Fasting is a kind of Ayurvedic remedy that should be either partial or complete. In taking fasting it should be on the basis of grade of arthritis the individual suffers. Fasting is taken to certain kinds of foods like to avoid meat, milk, and fried items in your diet.

Light exercises:- Doing light exercises can compete against arthritis and exercises is also on the basis of severity of 'vata' faced by the individuals and its limits is also on the basis of arthritis faced by them.

Intake of fruit juices:- Intake of certain fruit juices which is in rich of vitamin C can enhance the effectiveness  of anti inflammatory disease and reduces the skeletal pain.

Massage and Kizhi:- In ancient times, Ayurvedic treatment has got its authenticity in Kizhi and massage in the affected areas where pain is originated. By doing massage can enhance the joint function and relieve both short and long term pain and tension and reduce anxiety and stress and improves sleep.

Hot and cold therapy :- As per the grade of pain caused by arthritis the Ayurvedic practitioners decide to the patient which kind of therapy is required. By hot therapy the circulation  and flexibility of the joints increases and results to the ease of movement. And whereas in cold therapy slows the circulation and decreases the swelling and dulls pain by numbing the nerve endings.

The patient can recognize through certain signs affected during the time when they are facing any kind of arthritis. The simple and common signs can be recognized while facing arthritis are:-

•Pain and swollen joint

• Red rashes

• Stiffness and unable of movement of joints

• Deep aching pain

• Pain while walking


To get rid of this common signs, there are certain alternative ways to get relief from these conditions. They can be simple and delicate if you are able to follow these five ways:-

• Manage your weight:- The impact of weight vulnerably affects the joints. Extra weights if we put into our body can adversely affect the movements of knee, hip and ankle joints.By losing weight you would be able to improve your mobility,decrease the pain and prevent future damage to the joints.

• Get enough exercise:- By doing regular exercises you can get enough flexible to the parts where stiffness is caused you would easier mobility. You can also strengthen your muscles which are surrounded by tissues which often more support.

• Follow a healthy  diet:- If patients who suffers from arthritis follows a strong and healthy diet on bias that control the pain and stiffness  of joints can withstand to an extent against this arthritis.

• Acupuncture: - This is a process of inserting thin needles into your specific parts of your body which works on rerouting energy and restoring balance in your body.

• Add herbal supplements:- Provide herbal supplements like ginger, garlic and turmeric to your foods that can reduce your joint pain. These herbal supplements can even be toxic if increase amount is used into your diet. So keep a control in adding these products into your diet.

You can alone keep a control to your life style and keep a healthy diet to get control over this arthritis condition. If it is not under control over your hand, you can go for a treatment and keep safe from arthritis. But also keep in mind that if it happens more severe and happens early times of your age it can be hereditary.Otherwise, simply follow a proper diet and keep conscoius over your body with weight control and doing certain small exercises like daily walk, all can inhibit from the condition called arthritis.



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